Fairlawn Lutheran not only meets or exceeds all state standards, we are also NLSA Accredited. More information can be found here.
National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) serves as the accrediting body for Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod schools across the United States and the world. NLSA has been accrediting schools in the LCMS since 1978, and accreditation decisions have always been based upon a school’s compliance with national standards for Lutheran schools that reflect the essential qualities that are expected of Lutheran schools.
Fairlawn Lutheran School is an important ministry of the congregation in nurturing children in the Christian faith and reaching out to bring others to Christ. We also consider Fairlawn Lutheran Church and School to be an extension of the home and partner with the parents/guardians.
We believe that play is an important part of the early childhood experience. Through play each child can use their creativity to explore their environment, learning how to engage and interact with the world around them.
We believe that every child can reach his or her full potential at their own individual pace, in a developmentally appropriate Preschool and Kindergarten program. This is achieved by leading activities that encourage each child to grow spiritually, socially, cognitively, physically, and creatively.